Tips For Getting an Education and Avoiding Excessive Student Loan Debt in 2021

Nancy Etz

Paying for college will include its challenges, especially when you consider the price for tuition, textbooks and your other expenses. Because of these costs, many students end up going into debt for their education. You may wonder how you can avoid getting a student loan, so we have four tips to help you avoid debt while going to school.

Seek Out Scholarships

When you go to college, you can reduce your tuition if you get a scholarship to help you out. For example, the Nancy Etz scholarship gave $1,000 to a student. If you seek out scholarships like the Nancy Etz one, you can reduce your school costs by a considerable amount of money.

Make sure you take some time to look into scholarship options. You will come across various scholarships, so it never hurts to see what you can find and apply for them. As an added bonus, scholarships are non-taxable if you use them on your schooling, so you can enjoy their benefits without worrying about payments.

Balance School and Work

If you can’t get a scholarship, you can seek out a job and make money. Some people will work before they go to school, but you have the option to work part-time while attending school. This option works well since you can have steady income while you work towards your degree.

However, you should remain mindful of your school and workloads as you do this. Make sure you keep your work schedule and classes in mind to avoid overlapping them. You should also take an appropriate amount of classes to avoid burning yourself out. After all, you don’t want to end up not getting sleep due to your busy schedule.

Live At Home

While this option won’t work for everyone, you could look into living at home while you attend school. If you can stay with your parents or friends, you won’t have to worry about paying rent when you go to college. This will then alleviate another financial burden from your shoulders, allowing you to put that money towards your schooling.

Living at home may include some challenges, such as unexpected distractions or interruptions when you need to do your homework. Despite these problems, you can remove a serious burden from your finances if you can stay at home and go to school.

Seek Lower Tuition

You may want to go to a specific school, but you need to keep tuition in mind. For example, some schools cost tons of money, leading to tens of thousands of dollars in costs for a year of school. Due to this, you should seek out lower tuition costs to help you save some money and avoid debt.

Many students go to school in their home states since they usually get lower tuition costs when they do. You could also look into your major and determine which school would offer the lowest costs for it. On top of these points, you can go to community college for two years and transfer to a university to save even more money.


Getting past student loans can be difficult, but you can alleviate some of the financial burden by using these tips. Even if you do need to get a loan, you can make it easier on yourself by applying the points above. Make sure to look into each option and see how you can lower your debt while getting your education.